~POKEMON~ & goals ;-)

Dear Friends and Art Supporters,

I’m launching an online shop!
You can find it by following the link here:


Right now there is only an initial selection of Pokemon card weavings for $25 apiece for sale, (they’re cool! Especially if you are a pokemon or handcrafts (or pop art) fan) and soon I will upload prints, stickers, & make commissions available. (I’ll definitely send more emails like this, as that happens.) The shopfront should work, so if you see something there that you like, you can buy it. I also take commissions~ feel free to ask for what you want.

On the Pokemon topic, if you are a Pokemon fan, in particular, I want to introduce you to this tapestry series I began recently.

Poke Ball tapestry

Lightning Energy

These are each hand sewn from canvas, using the original Pokemon cards as reference material. They’re turning out pretty good! For me it is interesting to see this mode of tapestry-painting applied to this predefined, templated form. The existence of structure allows a certain freeness in some ways. Also, taking my skillz for art making and applying them to iconic pop-art/pop culture feels to me like a true and curious development in my overall practice. Like, what work I had been making was missing something to ‘bounce-off-of’ so to speak, and the Pokemon somehow give it that. 
Next, I’m creating a special version of Snorlax which is a collaboration between myself and Boston-area conceptual artist only known as ‘NOT ART.’ Stay tuned for that one.

Do you want to commission me to make you one-such pokemon card tapestry?? Which card? I am loving making one-of-kind pieces based off these things.


I have been so up, down, and all over in my private life lately. One thing that is helping is this book, recommended by friend Joseph Cincotta:

I’m only at the beginning but so far the exercises are excellent. Re-focusing and grounding tools. The author has asked me to redefine a set of long and short-term goals. I figure if you are reading this email, then you are someone I would want to knowing what are my dear hopes and dreams, so I’m listing them below 🌈 (Maybe you and I share some in common… ✨💁✨)
So the excercise states: 
'Pull out a blank sheet of paper. Write at the top 'IN FIVE (or whatever) YEARS I HAVE,' and begin listing all the things you have accomplished during that period of time. Do not censor yourself. Write down all of your ideas, no matter how far-fetched, dumb, frivolous, or impossible they may sound. There is no such thing as too many items on this list. Write them down as if they have actually happened; use action verbs: completed, awarded, secured, created, won, etc. The best goals are concrete- they state a specific action or event... Go through your list, and make whatever adjustment necessary to change vaguely worded goals into specific actions and events. Finally, make sure you have listed goals for your personal life, as well as the artistic.'
*grown my online design company to profitability/simplicity/renown
*invited to show artwork in a venice Biennial
*raised support for my art practice from a high-profile gallery/curators in L.A.
*moved into a beautiful comfortable home which I can call my own
*released more music that i worked on with friends, that we are proud of
*continued & deepened practice of meditation/yoga/martial arts
*sold a pokemon tapestry to Post Malone
*invested more $$ in GME and seen rewards
*re-visited the San Francisco Zen Center at Green Gulch for a practice period
*worked with Nike, Converse, Carhart brands on some art or design projects
*been a present supportive uncle for my nephew his family :-)
*won the lotto 😂
*undergone healing ayahuasca retreat in beautiful Peru
*hosted a dope group graffiti/street art show with Boston area friends
*reunited with Kegan, Caroline Emma, Stephen, in L.A.!
*been able to relax with friends and play Mass Effect, the Witcher 3, Pokemon Scarlet, and Tears of the Kingdom and other video games I've always wanted to get into
*deepened ties with the friends & loved ones in my life & fostered new loves & friendships
*been able to be generous and supportive for others in some of the ways I've been supported in life, so far
*listened to countless more inspiring music
*read a hundred beautiful books
*watched a collection of inspiring films
*continued growing into the kindest, most proud, responsible, admirable, version of myself I can be
*been hiking, camping, canoeing, in the Adirondacks, and in Maine, and New Hampshire
*quashed my unhelpful habits by installing new and beneficial ones like... journaling again, gratitude, excercise, writing letters to friends
*re-visited animation as a medium
*attended grad art-school maybe at MassArt or CalArts!

Sending love,
Alex Kalil
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